How much should I drink?

At least 1 litre for every 25 kg of body mass. If you are detoxing you can increase this to 1 litre for every 15 kg of body mass. If you are training you can add an additional litre for every hour of exercise. When increasing your water intake ensure that you increase you electrolytes. This can be achieved with something as simple as rock or sea salt.

Should i drink Alkaline Ionized Water with medication and supplements?

This is a loaded question. Yes and No. If the medication or supplement is time released, drink purified water from the machine. The micro-clusters in ionized water are so small that the medication gets absorbed far too quickly. With regards to supplements, drink away. The water will increase the absorb-ability and increase the effectiveness of supplements.

What is ORP (Oxygen Reduction Potential)?

ORP is the electrical charge needed to reduce or slow down oxidization (decay). Alkaline water must have a negative ORP in order to be considered beneficial to drink. ORP provides the ability to reduce oxygen’s ability to oxidize. ORP can be measured through an electronic hardware device. A negative ORP value (meaning a surplus of electrons) in ionized alkaline water is evidence of its antioxidant power. ORP can be measured with an ORP meter.

Are the pH and ORP produced by a Chanson Water Ionizer always the same?

Values and quality of alkaline water will vary from region to region due to differences in source water. In cases where local water has excess minerals the taste may be affected, or the alkaline water produced may have too high of a pH level.

Since water pressure from the faucet affects the production of alkaline water, it is important to confirm that genuine alkaline water is being produced by regularly checking that it is set to the correct pH level and checking for small bubbles. pH can be measured with a pH Meter

Can I use a water ionizer if my source water is from a well?

The efficiency of electrolysis can drop when well water is used since it tends to hold a lot of free carbon dioxide and only a small amount of electrolytic minerals. If you are using well water, we recommend that you contact us at sales@designerwater.co.za a copy of your well water report so we can make recommendations as to specific pre-filters that will greatly improve the taste and performance of your ionized alkaline water.

Can I use a Chanson Alkaline Water Ionizer with a Reverse Osmosis (RO) System?

The process of osmosis literally strips the water of ALL minerals, which are the primary key to electrolysis. The solution is to add a remineralization cartridge between your RO system and your Chanson Water Ionizer.

Can I make my baby’s formula with alkaline ionized water?

In the case of infants under one year old, the intestinal movement is generally different from adults since breast milk or milk is the only thing they consume. Therefore, the use of alkaline ionized water is not encouraged until the infant begins to consume more sophisticated foods. In any case, alkaline water should not be used to make formula for infants. Use the purified water (pH 7) setting instead.

Can you become too alkaline?

It is a good question. We challenge you to become too alkaline! Even if you were to drink nothing but pH water at a pH level of 11 for months, you would not become too alkaline, unless you are also on a strict diet of RAW greens and vegetables and you never get stressed or angry.

The general guidelines for tap water is that tap water be alkaline! That is right; tap water must be over 7 pH. It is very easy to see how pH your internal body is, just go to your local pharmacy or health food store and buy some urine pH test strips and test your first urine of the morning. If you are under 7 you are acid no matter how much water you drink, and if you are over 7 you are alkaline. If you are at an 8 then you would be TOO pH. But we have never seen or heard of anyone hitting a pH of 8.

There is a disease called “alkalosis” where the body is over alkaline and less than 2% of the population is susceptible to this disease. If you do not eat well, do not drink ionized water, and do not exercise, yet your urine pH is an 8 then you fall in that 2%.

Keep in mind, 80% of the benefits of ionized water is not the pH, it is the ORP or antioxidant power. Hundreds of thousands of users have been drinking nothing but alkaline water for many years.

Soft drinks, beer, coffee and juice (as well as almost all of the foods we eat) can have PH levels of 5 or lower. Alarmingly, one cup of coffee needs 20 glasses of ionized water to neutralize the acid consumed. Getting frustrated or angry also floods the body with acids, therefore it is not easy to take such an acidic environment and become over alkaline.

You asked for studies, but who will pay for this study? Certainly no drug company will. Alternative products rarely have studies to back them up, but in our case we have hundreds of studies specifically on ionized water and many of them can be seen in our research section.

Ionized water has some critics out there but none are calling it dangerous, they only question its potentials. One thing we do have is 30 years of clinical use in both Japan and Korea including hundreds of hospitals who administer the water, with zero lawsuits filed or claims of sickness or damage in any way. The same is true in the USA, Europe and South Africa although these countries have not been enjoying Chanson ionized water for as long.

One thing we can say for sure is that Chanson ionized water is safe and three decades in Japan and Korea have proved that, while Russians have safely been consuming ionized water for around eight decades. There are thousands of customers drinking Chanson Ionized Water, and we have yet to receive any complaint regarding health for any reason. Drink with Confidence!

What is the “Cluster Theory” of Deoxidized Water?

Approximately 15 years ago, with the help of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) appliance, a theory that water does not exist in single unit molecules was confirmed. Water molecules form molecular clusters of approximately 13 water molecules. These clusters constantly repeat an aggregation/disaggregation process. The quality of water and its ability to hydrate, directly depends on the size of its clusters.

For example, small clusters have active molecules that increase the capacity of water to dissolve elements (solubility), let elements pass through (permeability), and let heat and electric charge pass through (conduction). Electrolysis gives the water molecules similar charge, which causes them to repel each other and break apart.

Alkaline ionized water has clusters made up of five to six water molecules resulting in a lower molecular weight, better solubility, permeability, and conduction. Standard tap water contains about 12-15 water molecules per cluster.

Is your water micro-clustered?

Chanson ionized alkaline water is micro-clustered, alkaline, ionized, structured, electrolyzed and reduced. Click here to see our micro-cluster report.

How does a water ionizer work?

To ionize means to gain or lose an electron. Direct current flows from (-) pole to (+) pole. Electron current (e-) is opposite to current (I), so the movement of electrons flows from (+) pole to (-) pole.

View diagram of explanation.

Should I use acidic water or strong alkaline water to wash fruit and veggies?

If you were to use acid water to clean fruit and veggies for a fear of bacteria then just do a dip in the acid not a soak, as you do not want them to absorb the acid and then consume it. After the dip you can go to alkaline for a soak. We recommend soaking in standard 9.5 PH water, as a stronger level will infuse the vegetable with too much ORP. We used to use a 10.5 until we discovered it was making the fruits have up to a -700 ORP and that in nature these fruits or veggies will never be below -100. So 9.5 PH water will still wash and clean them but infuse a much lower ORP, much more natural.

How can ionized water provide both excess oxygen and antioxidants if oxygen is oxidizing?

While traditional water contains free oxygen (O2) which is actually a free radical that oxidizes the body, ionized water binds oxygen to hydrogen resulting in a safer delivery of oxygen to the cells. Ionized water also has negative ORP (Oxygen Reduction Potential) which means it is full of antioxidants that seek out free radicals.

Won’t my stomach acid render alkaline water consumption useless?

No. There is no hydrochloric acid pouch in our body, and the stomach wall makes sodium bicarbonate to alkalize our food not digest our food. HCL is only produced when we eat or drink acid-forming foods and drinks and is balanced in equal proportion by sodium bicarbonate production. When we consume alkaline forming foods and drink alkaline ionized water, the body does not need the sodium bicarbonate production and thus the HCL production is not required either!

Can’t I make my own alkaline water with lemon juice, baking soda or pH drops?

Yes, technically the pH level of water can be modified slightly by adding certain substances, however they will not necessarily reach the optimal pH level of 9.5. More importantly, alkalizing the water without the use of a water ionizer will not reduce the ORP, so the water will still be oxidizing to the body and create free radicals which destroy cells. Ionization is also the only way to micro-cluster the water, which allows it to hydrate up to six times better than non-ionized water, and detoxify cells more thoroughly.

Is alkaline water a scam?

You will find so-called “Alkaline Water Scam” pay-per-click ads on the Internet. These alkaline water scam ads and pages are just fake hooks used by certain disreputable water ionizer companies to build on negative curiosity and trick you into going to their site so they can sell you a water ionizer. Alkaline water is not a scam and water ionizers are not scams.

As a matter of fact, while most people in South Africa haven’t heard of alkaline water or water ionizers, they have been around for a very long time and have a very reputable history of helping people and having many benefits.

Electrical energy pioneer Michael Faraday invented electrolysis in the 1800s. His device separated water into hydrogen and oxygen. Later Russia worked to improve the utilization of the technology and by 1966 the Japanese Health and Rehabilitation Ministry confirmed that alkaline ionized water was beneficial for health improvement and medical use.

Today over 30 million people in Asia use water ionizers to assist in their good health.

The use of alkaline ionized water to support and benefit good health is now becoming widely available to people in North America, Africa and Europe. Chanson has been selling and servicing water ionizers for over twenty years in Asia.

Many medical studies have been done on the use and benefits of water ionizers and alkaline ionized water and clearly prove that alkaline ionized water is nothing close to a scam. We have many of the studies available here on our site for your review. We invite you to read them and then try one of our ionizers for yourself and see why we like to say that Chanson Water® is the possibility of a miracle.

If I live in a place where the tap water already has an alkaline pH, do I still need a water ionizer?

YES! All tap water is federally regulated to be at least a neutral (7 pH). Our local tap water is in the 9 pH range on most days. However, we never started having any health benefits from our tap water because it lacked ionization. Even when water has an abundance of alkaline minerals, it does not mean that your body can absorb them all. Water ionizers restructure the water, reducing surface tension and making the alkaline minerals in the water bioavailable (more easily absorbed by the body).

The process of ionization also creates an abundance of free-radical fighting anti-oxidants which can help slow the aging process. Because the water clusters of ionized water are smaller than regular water, it is able to hydrate up to six times better than conventional water and better detoxify your cells. And finally, all tap water should be filtered before consuming, which is why we recommend a pre-filter in addition to an ionizer. (No ionizer brand, even with a dual filtration sediment on board filter can effectively remove all toxins.)

Isn’t reverse osmosis the best water filtration process?

While reverse osmosis rids tap water of virtually all nasty toxins, contaminants and bacteria, making it as pure and crystal clear as can be, the problem with reverse osmosis (R/O) is that it works TOO well. In addition to removing all of the impurities, it also strips the water of all the valuable alkaline minerals your body needs to thrive.

Essentially, R/O water is dead, lifeless, and never found in nature, and most bottled waters on the market today are made with R/O water.

Due to the removal of alkaline minerals, R/O water has an acidic pH level instead of a neutral or alkaline pH which municipal tap water sources mandate. It also has a positive oxidation reduction potential (or +ORP) value, which means it is oxidizing to the body and creates cell-damaging free radicals.

On the contrary, alkaline ionized water from a Chanson water ionizer is full of bioavailable minerals, has an alkaline pH and an energizing, free-radical fighting -ORP. Chanson ionizers duplicate what happens in nature when water runs over rocks through electrolysis, separating alkaline and acidic ions in the water, leaving healthy, mineral-rich drinking water closer to what nature intended.

However, because the on-board filter(s) that all brands of water ionizers come with provide a level of filtration far inferior to R/O systems, we strongly recommend pairing a drinking water pre-filter with your water ionizer.